I finally did it. I have finally entered the vast and much recommended works by Brandon Sanderson, and have dipped my toe into what I know will soon be a deep dive into the Cosmere novels. And without a doubt I can say I am very excited for this long ride. Mistborn: The Final Empire…Read more
February 2021
Book Review: Light of the Jedi
This new novel by Star Wars veteran writer, Charles Soule, is a interesting and very promising start to the High Republic publishing initiative, setting up exciting things to come and leaving it’s fair share of answers and questions. The novel focuses on a cataclysmic interstellar crash that puts the lives of millions in danger, and…Read more
What Will An Average Book Review Look Like?
For the sake of my own organization and some sense of coherency, all book reviews on this blog will follow a basic outline in order to get my full thoughts of the novel out in a general and easy to understand way. Organizing my thoughts in my brain is troubling enough, so this format will…Read more
Welcome to The Literate Gryphon!
No matter how you stumbled across this page, welcome to the blog! This a blog for a wide-reaching set of all things literary and book related, with topics and categories with a enjoyable sense of diversity. Before getting too deep in the nitty-gritty of what this blog aims to achieve, lets begin with who I…Read more