What sort of fantasy blog and reader would I be if I didn’t even touch upon one of the most renowned series to ever be discussed. Readers of my blog and those who visit my Instagram page now that I have always pushed this series to the side when it came to choosing what…Read more
Book Review: The Hero of Ages
*****For my thoughts on the first two parts of the Mistborn series, check out HERE (The Final Empire) and HERE (The Well of Ascension)!**** I can now proudly claim to have finished my first series written by the heavy-hitting Brandon Sanderson! For those of you who may be crying out technicalities, mainly regarding the fact…Read more
Why I Love Fantasy
As I start to get a handle on this blog and writing my thoughts in general, I figured now was as good a time as any to discuss one important thing: my love for fantasy! If you are here, there’s a solid chance you can relate, which is what has made this experience so fun…Read more