For the sake of my own organization and some sense of coherency, all book reviews on this blog will follow a basic outline in order to get my full thoughts of the novel out in a general and easy to understand way. Organizing my thoughts in my brain is troubling enough, so this format will be for everyone’s benefit!

While the exact ordering of these categories may differ, I will aim to discuss these aspects of each book…

  • Brief spoiler-free blurb about what the book is about, and my general impressions on it overall
  • How I came across the book
  • Thoughts on the cover and any other artwork included
  • Spoiler review of book and my in-depth thoughts
  • concluding statements about the books pros and cons
  • Final score

Like all things in life, these categories may be lengthy in the review of one book, but shorter in another. However, it is the basic bases I will plan to touch upon. Other factors may be noted, such as info about the author and any interesting facts and/or context about the writing of the book itself