There comes a time where we are all asked that dreaded question. You know the one. The question that gets your heart racing and your mind fluttering with countless thoughts and options. Who is your favourite author? Now, some of us have a name that we always reach for when this question is asked; it’s…Read more
Book Review: The Hero of Ages
*****For my thoughts on the first two parts of the Mistborn series, check out HERE (The Final Empire) and HERE (The Well of Ascension)!**** I can now proudly claim to have finished my first series written by the heavy-hitting Brandon Sanderson! For those of you who may be crying out technicalities, mainly regarding the fact…Read more
Book Review: The Last Wish
The Witcher series is a beast I’ve been debating tackle for years now, and having finished The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski, I have taken my first step. I’ve played a few hours of The Witcher 3 game when it came out, but my memory of the that is nearing non-existent at this point. I…Read more
Book Review: The Bone Maker
Fantasy books are a place for us to get away from real world issues and stresses; an escape to a whimsical place of adventure and mystery. However, many good fantasy works keep a lot of these problems and issues intact and show how they affect people in worlds much different then ours. The Bone Maker,…Read more
Book Review: The Well of Ascension (Mistborn Book #2)
**For my thoughts on Mistborn: The Final Empire (Mistborn Book #1), click HERE!** Oh boy, we are BACK in the mysterious and exciting world of the Mistborn series! This time discussing the second book: The Well of Ascension! Before getting too deep into the inner workings and cogs of this story, as always I will start…Read more
Why I Love Fantasy
As I start to get a handle on this blog and writing my thoughts in general, I figured now was as good a time as any to discuss one important thing: my love for fantasy! If you are here, there’s a solid chance you can relate, which is what has made this experience so fun…Read more
Book Review: Lore
Alexandra Bracken’s newest release, Lore, unexpectedly threw itself onto the starting spot of my TBR list, and I can’t say that I regret it. I went to every readers place of vice (the bookstore, where wallets go to cry) and stumbled upon this nice, sleek white book cover adorned with the classic image of Medusa’s…Read more
Book Review: Mistborn
I finally did it. I have finally entered the vast and much recommended works by Brandon Sanderson, and have dipped my toe into what I know will soon be a deep dive into the Cosmere novels. And without a doubt I can say I am very excited for this long ride. Mistborn: The Final Empire…Read more
Book Review: Light of the Jedi
This new novel by Star Wars veteran writer, Charles Soule, is a interesting and very promising start to the High Republic publishing initiative, setting up exciting things to come and leaving it’s fair share of answers and questions. The novel focuses on a cataclysmic interstellar crash that puts the lives of millions in danger, and…Read more
What Will An Average Book Review Look Like?
For the sake of my own organization and some sense of coherency, all book reviews on this blog will follow a basic outline in order to get my full thoughts of the novel out in a general and easy to understand way. Organizing my thoughts in my brain is troubling enough, so this format will…Read more